Every Day in May (continued)

The first thing that came into my mind was the fact that I am still unmarried. Despite putting myself out there and even dating someone...in 5 years, I still haven't found the person God has for me. Then I thought of this wonderful families testimony and how God really does answer prayers. And believe me, I've been praying, and I know a lot of you have too! And I appreciate all of them, BUT, I believe God is preparing me for something greater!

Part of the problem in the past has been my wavering over the subject of marriage and how difficult it can be, not only to find someone, but to live with them for the rest of my life. But I believe that if I am held accountable and encouraged alongside all of you...we will have an answer to prayer by the end of May!

Some of you may be thinking..."Can't God answer prayers anytime?" of course! Or "Are we really supposed to put God in a timeline?" of course not! BUT, we are supposed to come to His throne of grace with confidence and EXPECTING that He will not only hear us, but answer us also! And that is where you all come in! If we are all praying and expecting, together, that God will answer this prayer, then I am certain He will!

So I'm asking anyone and everyone who wants to go these next 31 days together to sign up here by filling out the poll underneath this post. I will be updating my blog every day in order to remind and encourage anyone who is willing to help and myself :)

If you would like to have daily reminders in your email inbox, you can sign up to receive those where it asks for your email address over to the right of this post.

One restriction I do have...please do NOT try to set me up on a date! Lol! I want this to be something God allows naturally to happen and not for every family and friend to feel like they need to search through their phonebooks to find their single friends :) All I am asking for is prayer and encouragement :)

Thanks so much for this! I love you all!

Cortnee :)

Psalm 5:3 "In the morning, lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly."